Sunday 23 January 2011

My Moon

A soft darkness engulfing the morning skies,,,, dusk filling empty bus stops, forlorn streets, wind grazed houses and closed window blinds... surrounding people in a sleep of unawareness and dreamful bliss,,,, making them problems of the daylight forget , but also the morning sounds,,, the smile of the yawning moon,,, the singing ,,, motivated birds and slowly lightening windows miss,,,,

Peace filling everything with morning glory and tranquillity,,, melodies of thankfulness and prayers muttered in the wake of sleep,,, coldness breaking its sleeping icy frost,,, Gardens waking their flowers,,, their roses ,,, their soil hidden so deep underneath the dreaming ground,,, parks opening their gates,,, rain evaporated by rays of light,,, wakefulness alerting a new day to come,,, alarm clocks ringing for some like serene signalling a renewed day of bitterness and pain they cannot fight,,,, while for other the singing bells hold a promise of hope,, of happiness ,,,of the things that will or might,,,,

Gray fog,,, finishing off his last misty morning breath, signalling for his hidden cloak towards a new destination ,,, a different place to be,,, seas awaking their dozing,,, resting waves,,,, oceans welcoming Fishers, Swimmers ,,, Divers into their slowly lightening ,,,, gradually warming dwelling,,, inviting the to their magical existence,,, into a life where living is a blessing and waters are a magical mystery,,,,

The realization of a new morning,,,, a fresh beginning and a new-fangled chance,,, making it hard not to sit here and wonder,,,, not to stare and be mesmerized,,,, not to watch,,, smile and shake the head,,, to wish all those long lost useless moments to amend,,, impossible to look at that irony filled smile directed to me from that tough arrogant, strong- willed and breathtaking moon,,, without feeling the strong pull tugging along our hearts,,,, without sensing the need for thankful morning prayers,,, without laughing about oneself ,, about one’s mind,,, about every well learned mistake ,,,humans could possibly in this huge ,,, boundary less world search for and find,,,,Without the realization of new hopes, dreams and renewed strength,,, reaching us day after day ,,,, and night after night,,, without the realization that everything will shift,,, alter and change,,, no matter how hard we might do this fight,,,

I gaze out,,, wishing ,,, yearning to float up and graze those receding clouds,, desiring to be part of this epic mystery,,, of this all consuming reality,,, craving to be an upbeat, hopeful miniature in this world peaceful at dusk and dark,, and yet at light so utterly mean spirited,,, politically driven,,, an image of loss,,,, unjust,,, hurt and broken instability...

I touch the window glass warming along the receding mist,,, welcoming rays of the sun i usually prefer over my beloved moon,,,, i look out and wish he could stay a little longer,,, i wish he would wait for me to become a little wiser,,, a little happier ,,, a little stronger,,,

I close my eyes unable to see his departure,,, unable to say goodbye,,, although i know his visit will be soon,,, sooner than tragedy of the day will have been able to prevail,,, and yet in seeing him off,,, knowing he will be shining for someone else so far away i do miserably fail,,,, so i close my eyes,,, i hum my melody and when i open them again,,, its only because the sun is stinging my face,,, telling me to move,,, to stop reminiscing and to go along my day,,, so i smile,,, knowing that when he is gone she is my lady ,,, my smiling follower and ironic remedy,,, i turn and i start my day,,,, all the while thinking about the calm ,,, the tranquillity ,,, the serenity dusk will bring me soon,,,, thinking about your coming home,,, my hopeless,,, undemanding,,,, serene and shiny love,,,, my Moon....

...look and see,,,

Look into the river,,, look into the lake,,, look into the faces into the window glasses passing you by,,, into the mirror,,, at the reflection staring back at you,,,, what do you see? What can you glimpse..? Can you see further than that nod ,,, further than those enquiring brows,,, further than those pools filled with secrets,,,, further than those smiling eyes,,, that held in breath?

Can’t you see your face reflecting a book filled with chapters no one else but you can read,,, don’t you realize that along those lines marked by change and age,,, in you there is a growing need? A need to understand,,, a need to appreciate,,, a need to marvel,,, to wonder ,,, to stop,,, to stare ,,, to drop all coats of pretence,,,

Don’t you see,,, don’t you understand what you willingly do,,,? Will you keep pretending that its unintentional,,, that you have no clue,,,, will you never stop inflicting hurt upon yourself,,, or is it that you the pain and misery surrounding it, love and enjoy more than the person in your heart you behold and woo?

Why is that you always choose that,,, that you will need to give up one day,,,, why is that you always go for them who you know will depart ,,, will leave and deeply hurt you may,,, why is that you always choose to run from them ,,,, who everything up for you would give,,, why is that you hurt them instead of realizing that a happy life with them you might be able to live,,,

Why do you keep running from everything that is too real,,, to close to precious to your heart,,,, why do you choose to stay away from those who might un-riddle that secretly hidden book deep down you do with fire and ice so closely guard?

Why do you keep pushing those away who deeply care,,, is it your fear of hurting yourself or hurting them more,,, what is it you are running from,,,, and what is it you are escaping for? Is that why you avoid that mirror so often every day,,,, is that why you are so quiet so aloof ,,, is that why with your smiles and laughs your happiness you always try to proof?

Is that why you excel at taking care of others and yet won’t let anyone come to close to you? Is that why your bests friends are the wind,,, the rain ,,, the darkening night,,,,, is that why while looking into your eyes a simple smile is all what one can see,,,, is that why you quickly turn away,,, laugh it off,,, finding other things to say and do,,, is that why you joke,,, run,,, dance and sing,,, is it because to look deeply,,, to look closely,,, you fear someone might see,,, someone might understand,,, someone might more to you discover and find,,,????

Is that my dear why you live in a world secluded by another earth? Is that why for you everything has meaning,,, everything has souls,,,, everything has million different worth’s? Is that why you brain tease and puzzle everyone around without meaning to,,, without actually having a clue,,, is that why every time I look at you,,,, I nod,,, smile and wonder “who are you”...?
