Monday 6 September 2010


To the sound of silence,,, into the far distance of a lost path resembling a labyrinth filled with stillness and awe,,, Into a space of nothingness ,,, of oblivion,,, towards a fantasy of translucent light, where darkness has colour and silence a painting of soft melodies and rimes,,,, To a place mysterious and unknown to human kind,,, towards a rainbow of deserted islands and shores, veiled secretly in the shadows of overlooked freedom impossible for any of them to find,,,
To a destiny unidentified and yet so safe,,, so lucid and clear,,, towards a coast where ships don’t sail,,, where loneliness doesn’t matter,,, and seclusion doesn’t affect,,, where the sun shines for only us,,, you and me,,, where the moon is the judge,,, so wise and fair,,,, where jasmine scents rule and hold the air,,, where stars don’t whisper,,, don’t blame,,, don’t doom,,, and twilight frees us from obscurity,,, dimness and gloom,,, To a place where the sea smiles,,, embraces and hugs us tight,,, and the sand around us dances ,,, a dance of love,,, of warmth ,,,of everlasting light,,, Let me take you to a vicinity where no one can judge or ridicule your thoughts,,, where no one ever questions or tries to understand,,, where nature surrounds us like a duvet,,,, like a shield and cover,,, accompany me to a dwelling that no one could ever reach,,, where words do not exist,,, and tears do not burn,,, do not leave traces of salt behind,,, take me on this journey into breaking dawn,,, allow me to be for always happily lost and forlorn,,,, permit me to vanish and never be found,,,, accept my every scar,,, my every wound,,, be there with me my saviour ,,, my ally,,, my mate in souls,,, be my improved perception ,,, my uncomplicated reflection,,, be my one and only understanding friend,,, be there to wake me from my dreams harbouring aptness and perfection,,,, be there to let me drown and dive,,, be my instinct,,, my impulse,,, my intuition,,,, be the urge for me to survive,,, be the one to help me deeply loose and find,,,,, be with me along it all,,, my precious,,, strange ,,, outlandish MIND....


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