Tuesday 16 February 2010

Another day of Rain...

How many times have you sat infront of the window on your desk or the window seat, drinking a hot tea(probably snezzing and coughing), reading a book or surfing through your portable, all the while watching the rain hailing down on people, attacking their umbrellas, drenching their expensive coats, and making them pull grumpy faces and fast paces...
How many times have you just sat there watching, wondering, imagining, what these people's life consisted of, whether they were happy or not, whether they had similar problems to the ones you were going through?Have you ever sat there just wondering, feeling interested and yet not really caring,seeing faces pass by, pondering over the reason for why that one was so grumpy, or the other so sad, or yet another totally nonchallent and content?Have you ever judged people you didnt really know by their way of walking, or their way of staring, or by the way their presence made you feel?
Moreover have you ever sat there transfixed by the rain and the play of figures happening outside that window of yours, feeling so close and yet so far removed from everything, so excluded, so unconcerned, and yet not really out of place.Have you ever had that feeling as if the rain was surrounding, shielding, protecting you from the outside world?
Have you ever felt so close to everything, that you just wanted to cuddle up and keep all the warmth to yourself, close to your heart, close to you....

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