Saturday 13 February 2010


How many times have you stood infront on the lights waiting for them to change from red to green, sometimes hurriedly, sometimes in slow motion, noticing how a slight change (orange) happens between the two.But have you ever thought about it?Have we ever actually thought about change, about how minimal or how anormous it can be, affecting us and everything around us?
Some of us fear and dread the change so much, that they prefer to relent to a routine biased life, doing and reliving the same motions day after day, such as the workplace, the relationship, the rendevouz, the friends meetings,the dentist, the type of books or music, or even the take out dinner.And yet there are also some among us who see change as the inevitable, as an improvement for the better, who just can not live or stand the routine, and have to undergo changes and explore new adventures and experiments to fullfill their daily life.
So how and why is that?why do some of us dread change so much,,,and why do others crave it so badly?what is change?why does it affect us and moreover does change to our life scare us so much because we somehow link it to our identity?Are some of us petrified of change because they believe that once something changes everything else would just collapse and change too?
That might be it, maybe, maybe change is somehow linked in our brains to be this enormous, colossal diversion from who we are and what we are used to be.Maybe we are just too afraid that if the change we undergo doesnt suit us, then it would be too late for us to change back, that we would have lost somehow.Maybe it is that the human being doesnt believe or trust in small changes taken one step at a time, perhaps it has to be this great , huge difference in order for us to notice or realize that something has actually altered.
But is change good or is it bad?
I guess there is no real answer to it, maybe it is one of those things that suits some of us perfectly well like a second skin, while it does affect and scare others off and takes them a long time to get adapted too...that might be it of course, and although personally i tend to believe that change somehow is the cause of altering to the better and improve the faults one sees in oneself, i do believe that change, gives us this new surge of adrenaline, like an injection of empowerment, a strong and vivid force that pulls us forward and renews our hope and determination. And regardless of the fact that i might be one of the most people on this planet(believe me when i say most i mean it!), that fear change and tend to get too comfortable in their own created safe and secure(known) surroundings,,,a part of me somehow always carves the change,,,the pull of the unknown, and the hope that what i dont know yet might somehow turn out to be much better and greater than what i have got used to for so long...

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