Thursday 5 August 2010

Broken Shore,,,

Summer, a flavour of sun, warmth and long awaited breaks was supposed to arrive, and yet the rain hasn’t stopped its daily showers from visiting our parks, our streets,,, our cobs

Leaves meant to be swaying its dark Green colours,,, have been seen taken by the wind, falling to the grounds,,, their shade abandoning its skin and welcoming autumn into their strive,,,

Nights arriving late,,, believed to be the beholder of empty hearts, of loneliness and grief,,, of nonchalance and mischief,,,, are in truth high-priced magical hours framed by understanding , reason and clarity,,, long walks taken during the dark early morning hours along the harbour,,,, thought to be a pitiable and wretched attempt of such a futile and needless act as forgetting,,,, are in truth the guardian and keeper of the little safe kept hours of freedom,, of sanity and candour....

Life ,,, believed to be so unfair,,, so unmerited,,, so complicated and difficult,,, is in reality awfully misjudged and over credited,,,, it is in authenticity only as simple and straightforward as we set for it to be ,,,, as clear cut as we bond and agree to its authority.... human keep looking, wondering,,, asking why,,, how and what for,,,, searching for reasons they will not find,,,, seeking explanations that are not owed to them ,,, refusing to accept the fact that no matter how sad,,, how unjust,,, or how irrational its seems,,, no matter how thick your walls,,,, or high a fence around yourself you build,,,, things will always adjust,,, alter,,,, modify and change,,,,,

Phases of hurt and anger dissolve,,, chapters of happiness and glow melt away,,, friendships meant to last forever ,,, weaken and deteriorate,,, Loves expected to last for eternity,,, break ,,, die and fade astray,,, dreams are shattered , while new ambitions are created and fulfilled,,, people cry ,,, grief in misery and mourn for loved ones, while others laugh ,,, sing and dance to different rhythms’ and melodies,,, people leave,,,, while others enter this world with a scream of joy,,,, or is it sadness and anger too...?

All the while,,, seasons keep changing,,, the earth keeps moving and people keep growing,,, older,,,, wiser ,,,, more cynical and apart,,,, hours,,, days,,,, months ,,,, and years fly by,,,, marked only by secret diaries kept in our hearts,,,, recorded by memories of faces,,, places and adventures imprinted in our minds,,, proven by aging,,, colour fading lost photographs,,,,

And we wonder,,, do we get to do all the things one is supposed to do,,,, do we get to say all the words we know we were meant to say,,,, do we get to be with all the people we thought we would be with,,,, do we take every joyous or sad stricken ride this carousel called life urged us to take,,???

Sadly,,, strangely and unexpectedly amusingly,,,, no,,,,, and no,,,,, for the reason that we discover this world is like a broken shore,,,, sometimes we drown in its high tides,,, sometimes we lose all that we ever wanted in its huge waves and turn around,,, swim back to the land,,,, that may not be designed to contain or fulfil our dreams and yet is simply undemanding and safer to inhabit,,,,, and sometimes,,,, we reach the other side ,,, we reach the land,,, we touch the sand we have always wanted, desired, yearned for and craved,,,, only to discover that it’s been long since forsaken,,, abandoned,,,, cast off and deserted......

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