Thursday 26 August 2010


Who said we were so different,,, so unlike,,, you and me? Who said that we didn’t match, that we didn’t thrive,,, that we didn’t belong,,, that our separated paths weren’t entwined and didn’t cross,,, meet and go along,,,?
Who said that my sniffles of sadness and joy were unlike the tears that touch your hair,,, and crease your forehead,,, stream down your chin,,,, and expire on the gravel underneath your feet,,,, who said that we didn’t the days,,, the hours,,, the seasons in the same detached and isolated way salute and greet,,, who said that my nonchalance to existence couldn’t match up and coincide,,, couldn’t stay head to head and overrun your inflexibility and hardness to life,,, to nature,,, and your obduracy in the human being to trust and confide,,, Who said that i understood or fitted any more than you,,,, who said that i did belong,,,, that i did comprehend,,, that i could differentiate between the fake and the true,,,, who told you that i could laugh any louder,,, or sing any better,,, or smile any brighter,,,, who told you that i had a chance,,, a path,,, a clue,,,,, because i do not understand and will probably never do,,,
How ,,, you see,,, how can people misjudge your purpose,,, condemn and censure your abilities,,,, defying your splendour and serene tranquillity,,,, how can they not see the beauty hidden behind your eyelids,,, beyond the echo of your words,,, and the shadow of your retreating footprints,,, how can they not comprehend or understand my infatuation with your presence,,, my value of your smile,,,, and the significance of your tight embrace around me,,,,
How can individuals implying intelligence, knowledge and aptitude,,, be so scrupulously misguided, so narrow-minded as to not sense the power of your shield,,,, the scent of your armour,,, and the exquisiteness of your enchanting magic,,, how are they able to walk through you not seeing,,, not feeling ,,,, not becoming love addicts,,, how can they not be aware of you wrapping your arms around me like a ghost of warmth,,, full of compassion,,, of understanding,,,, of wisdom,,, of hands able to hide my tears to erase my fears,,, to wipe clean my mistakes,,, my sins,,, my past and present pain,,,, how can they not hear me whispering your name,,,, my voice buried in your chest,,,, how can they overhear my declaration of love for you,,,, for your existence,,, how can they look,,, but not see,,,, how can they declare me insane,,,, tell me then what is the gain of being human,,, of being so shallow,,, of being present with no abilities,,, no power,,, no motives for being or not being,,,, tell me how can one thought consume me day after day,,, hoping,,, wishing,,, praying,,, i was just like you my dearest love,,, a single drop of RAIN,,,

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