Monday 9 August 2010

Morning Break

I’m staring out,,, down the road ,,,on the streets we are passing by,,, at the window shops that are still closed down,,, at the curtains that are still drawn shut,,, at everything that is slowly gliding by ,,, I’m staring out lost in the scene of morning routine,,, of uniforms,,, and suits,,, of smiling faces and moodily darkened visages,,, of cars being started and bicycles being locked,,, of parks being opened and Gardens being walked through ,,,,a blend of coffee being brewed and breakfast being served,,, I’m staring at nothing in particular and yet somehow it seems to be the beginning of everything,,, a fresh light,,,, a sleepy smile,,, a novel hope,,, maybe a new chance,,,, perhaps a new start,,,, as if the crack of dawn is bringing along a wind to turn the page,,, to twist the leaf,,, to dry the tears ,,, to hide the fears,,, and conceal the night’s still and silent choking grief,,,
I watch hopeful and eager children running across the road,,, their innocent faces lightened by the shining sun,,, not caring ,,, not concerned by the stressed and hassled commuters running towards the tube,,, missing the last bus and swearing out aloud,,,, I see ,,,I smile ,,, I turn away,,, and I wonder,,, I wonder how come everything has its time and place,,, I marvel at how close a distance we miss out on the things we really want,,,, and how we believe and pursue the wrong directions for years and years,,,, at how long it takes us to stand up and face our apprehensions,,, I look in amazement at how one persons biggest problems can seem absurd, insignificant and nonexistent to the rest of us,,, how come we don’t realize,,, how come we are so overtaken by our own troubles, dilemmas’ and own set scopes and dimensions,,,
I watch appreciating natures cycle without discovering anything new,,, without unleashing anything worth discussing or writing about,,, and yet somehow the world seems smaller,,, somehow the tiny details seem more important more relevant more related to everything and everyone,,, somehow strangers seem closer,,, and friends seem further away,,, somehow reality seems to merge with imagination and dreams,,, somehow and really only somehow ,,, our boring mornings seem worth the routine,,,, and our lives seem worth being not perfect,,,, not faultless and not pristine,,,

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